05/03/2021 Zoning Commission Minutes

Meeting date: 
Monday, May 3, 2021

Subject to Approval




MONDAY, May 3rd, 2021

The public meeting was web-based on Zoom


  1. CALL TO ORDER - Chairman Ryan called the meeting to order at 7:00pm.




Present: David Ryan, Kevin Gray, Mike Doyle, and Bruce Elliott Alternates: Shannon Knall and Dianne Madigan; Staff: Mike Glidden


Absent: Donna Beinstein and Anne Erickson


D.Madigan was appointed for A.Erickson and S.Knall was appointed for D.Beinstein


  1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES of the April 5, 2021 regular meeting, April 19, 2021 regular meeting minutes

April 5 2021 minutes:


Motion: B.Elliott made a motion to approve the minutes as amended. The motion was seconded by M.Dolye. The motion passed 6-0.



The April 19, 2021 minutes were tabled.





     1.    Applications


a. none




1.         Applications

a.         Application #21-06 of 34 Hopmeadow St Realty Co LLC, Owner; David Burr and Dave Richman applicants for a site plan approval for the construction of a storage facility located at north eastern corner of 34 Hopmeadow Street (E19-117-001C), Zone I-1/PAD


Dave Richman and David  Burr provided  an introduction of the project.


Dave Ziaks PE presented the site plan for the construction of a self storage facility at 34 Hopmeadow Street.


D.Ryan inquired about which water company served the property. B.Elloitt stated that Avon Water (Ct Water) provides service to the area. Mr. Ziaks commented that the site is actually served by Aquarion Water which he has been coordinating utility connection details with.


K.Gray asked about whether the heights of the buildings differed. Dave Richman explained that all the buildings are the same height.


To 7:00 am to 7:00pm. The site will be monitored by security cameras 24 hours a day but the hours that it opened to the public will be limited.


Jeff Shea PE, Town Engineer reviewed his comments with the commission. He was comfortable with the stormwater design as presented. He noted that his concern regarding access to a public street and how the development is relying on an abutting property’s driveway for access. Rich Correia noted that applicant has been negotiations with Chubb insurance regarding the shared access and that they needed the approved plans in order for the transaction to be completed. 


B.Elliott asked about where would drive way be constructed if Chubb did not permit shared access. Mr. Ziak stated that a connection would be made at the intersection of Hopmeadow and Old Meadow Plain.


B.Elliott inquired about roof colors for the proposed buildings. Dave Richman explained roofs will be silver as per plans.


B.Elliott last asked about the status of ground monitoring wells at the property. Mark Greenberg explained how the environmental clean-up of the property is in the final stages and that little to no detect has been observed from these wells according to latest reports.


B.Elliott discussed whether self-storage was considered a legal use in the zoning district. M.Glidden explained how 2 previous projects were approved the commission in the same zoning district pursuant to these regulations.


Chairman Ryan asked if there were any further questions from the members.


MOTION: M.Doyle made a motion to approve the application which was seconded by K.Gray, the approval is subject to the following conditions:


1.         Final plans are to incorporate changes requested by Town Engineer. These are to be reviewed and approved prior to filing of plans.

2.         Applicant is to provide 2 mylars and 1 paper set which are to be signed by the Chairman. One is to be filed on the Simsbury Land Records with the Office of the Town Clerk. The second mylar is to be filed with Engineering Department.

3.         An administrative zoning permit is required for the project.

4.         An infiltration test is required in the area of the proposed basin. Test is to confirm that soils are as permeable as referenced in the drainage study. Results from infiltration test are to be provided to Town Engineer and Town Planner.

5.         No certificate of occupancy is to be issued until applicant can provide legal deeded access for use of Chubb driveway to the North.

6.         WPCA is to approve all sanitary sewer connections.

7.         The commission authorizes staff to act on their behalf concerning authorizing minor changes to the approved plan such as landscaping, grading, and lighting. Said changes to be made in writing to Planning Department staff and approved before they are implemented.


The motion passed (6-0).





1.         Applications


  1. Application # 21-08 of GPF-DRAKE HILL LLC Owner; Andrea Faulkner Applicant for sign plan modification for the installation of new signs for the former Peachwave location to accommodate new Jersey Mikes at 710 Hopmeadow Street (Drake Hill Mall) (Assessor’s Map G10, Block 227, Lot oo1+2) Zone SC1


Chairman Ryan asked if there was anyone to speak to the application. M.Glidden reviewed the proposal for signage and explained that the proposed signs were a slight increase in size from the existing. M.Glidden noted that DRB issued a favorable recommendation.


MOTION: K.Gray made a motion to approve the application seconded by M.Dolye subject to the following condition:


An administrative zoning permit is required for the installation of signs.


The motion passed (6-0).



  1. Application #21-09 of the Town of Simsbury, Owner; Jeff Shea PE Town Engineer, Applicant; for site plan amendment for parking lot improvements, landscaping, stormwater management, and parking lot lighting modifications for the property located at 933 Hopmeadow Street (Assessor’s Map H09, Block 202, Lot 001) Zone SC-1


Jeff Shea PE, Town Engineer provided background the application for parking and site improvements for Town Hall.


Dave Ziak reviewed the extend of the improvements to the parking lot, driveway relocation to the northern corner of the property, pedestrian crossing improvements, landscaping, and stormwater management.


J.Shea noted he would like to start the work this coming summer in order to complete this construction season.


S.Knall asked about the driveway relocation and impacts to the adjacent property to the north. J.Shea noted that he contacted the property owner, reviewed the plans, and incorporated their concerns into the driveway layout.


B.Eliott stated he had 2 concerns, 1) the plans did not call for the brick paver overaly of the sidewalk infront of town similar to the rest of the Town Center and 2) new foundation plantings that are proposed along the western elevation of the building. He noted how this could be considered an impact to the historical nature of the building.  K.Gray also noted the concern of ignoring streetscape improvements.


J.Shea noted brick overlay is not the smoothest travel surface and some consideration is being given to the mobility challenged individuals.


J.Shea noted there will be a new storage building in the rear upper lot to serve DPW and Police.


MOTION: B.Elliott made a motion to approve the application; M.Doyle seconed the motion. The approval is subject to the following conditions:


An administrative zoning permit is required for the work.


The motion passed (6-0).


2.         Preliminary Discussion

a.         SL Simsbury to discuss potential modifications of Master Plan for 250 Hopmeadow Street along with conceptual plans for development of southern parcel (former Hartford Insurance Campus) located at 200 Hopmeadow Street


TJ Donahue presented the preliminary plan for the conversion of a proposed commercial building into 15 one bedroom apartments and the development of the southern parcel into a residential development.


S.Knall voiced a concern that the approval of apartments is overburdening the schools.


M.Doyle stated he was disappointed that the plan was to convert the commercial space into more residential living units.


Chairman Ryan noted how housing density effects commercial development, the more roof tops attracts commercial development.


TJ Donahue noted how residential density drives commercial development.


M.Osborne noted how the current site was not well received by all town residents. She heard from several that did not like the impacts of the development.


D.Madigan asked whether the developers polled residents of the development on what they want to see as for development.


M.Doyle stated that he would have liked the current development be located on the southern parcel instead of its current location.


S.Knall noted the type of feedback she has heard from the public also has been negative regarding this project.


M.Osborne asked that the applicant look at the impact on the sense of place from these developments.


TJ Donahue thanked the commission for their input.



1.         Regulation update workshop

a.         Industrial Zoning Districts


M.Glidden reviewed comments from the EDC. Chairman Ryan asked M.Glidden to incorporate these to the proposal and the commission would review at the next meeting and possibly set a public hearing date.




MOTION: S.Knall made a motion to adjourn the meeting; the motion was seconded by M.Doyle. The meeting was adjourned at 9:16pm.  The motion passed (6-0).



Respectfully Submitted,




Michael Glidden

Acting Commission Clerk