06/15/2020 Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes

Meeting date: 
Monday, June 15, 2020

REGULAR MEETINGMINUTES - Subject to Vote of Approval
Monday, June 15 2020 at 7:00 P.M.
Simsbury Town Hall - Main Meeting Room – Via Zoom
725 Hopmeadow Street, Simsbury, CT

PRESENT: Dave Ryan, Kevin Gray, Donna Beinstein, Bruce Elliott, Anne Erickson, Melissa Osborne, Diane Madigan, Michael Doyle, Shannon Knall, Melissa Osborne


ALSO PRESENT: Michael Glidden, CFM CZEO, Director of Planning and Community Development, Laura Barkowski, Land Use Specialist

Chairman Ryan called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.

1. Appointment of Alternates-Not necessary

1. Application #20-07 of Richard Correira, Applicant; Grist Mill Partners, LLC; for a Special Exception pursuant to Article 7 Section J of Zoning Regulations to allow recreation uses for the premises located at 100 Grist Mill Road (G11-103-005-25), Zone I-2

Mr. Gray opened the Public Hearing on this application. Mr. Glidden indicated that the applicant was requesting to table this. Mr. Gray made a Motion to table this public hearing until the next regular meeting per applicant request. Mr. Doyle seconded - Passed unanimously 6-0-0

Technical difficulties where remedied and Chairman Ryan returned.

2. Application #20-08 of Richard Correira, Applicant; 1&3 Mill Pond Partners, LLC; for a Special Exception pursuant to Article 7 Section I of Zoning Regulations to allow recreation uses for the premises located at 1 & 3 Mill Pond Road (F11-103-005-23), Zone I-1

Chairman Ryan opened the public hearing and Mr. Correira presented the application which pertains to dance studio that has had two previous locations within the Town. The owner of the dance studio has to relocate and is interested in moving to the subject property. The space is located in the basement of 1&3 Mill Pond. Mr. Correira indicated that he spoken with the other tenants and having this type of business would not interfere with the current office use. Mr. Correira indicated that business owner had limited options available for a quick change of location. A dance studio is a recreational use that is allowed as a Special Exception in the I-2 Zone and they are not proposing any outside changes to the space.

Chairman Ryan opened the public hearing to questions/comments from the Commission and Staff.
Mr. Gray inquired if the buildings were in different zones. Mr. Correira clarified that this is one building with two addresses in the same zone.

Mr. Elliott inquired if this intensity of use will change due to the change of use and if the parking would be adequate. Mr. Correira indicated it would be similar intensity and they have over 65 parking spaces on the site and it is adequate.

Staff confirmed no public comment was received for the application. The use is permitted by Special Exception, the parking is adequate to support the several uses in the building, and that there is not any need for special conditions along with the Special Exception.

Motion made to close the Public Hearing by Mr. Gray, Seconded by Mr. Elliott. Motion passed 6-0-0.

Chairman Ryan opened the discussion the Commission reviewed the standards required for Special Exception.

Mr. Elliott made a Motion to approve Application #20-08 of Richard Correira , Applicant; 1&3 Mill Pond Partners, LLC; for a Special Exception pursuant to Article 7 Section I of Zoning Regulations to allow recreation uses for the premises located at 1 & 3 Mill Pond Road (F11-103-005-23), Zone I-1, Seconded by Ms. Beinstein. Passed unanimously 6-0-0.


Potential open space acquisition at the Meadowood site.

Honor Lawler of the Trust for Public Land (TPL) presented the proposal for the acquisition of the Meadowood property in Simsbury. Mr. Glidden assisted her with the power point presentation and gave a summary of the project history. Mr. Glidden explained that this is an affordable housing development approved by the Court in 2008 for 296 single family homes of which 88 are deed restricted affordable homes with approvals valid until March 20, 2022. As part of the settlement and environmental remediation occurred and a licensed professional has been retained by the Town to confirm the site is clean. Ms. Lawler detailed the attributes of the project and informed the Commission details about the landowner contract with Griffin Industrial Realty and the tentative capital funding.

Tim Lescalleet, Senior Vice –President of Griffin Industrial Realty further explained the background history of the project and introduced Pat Naples and Tim Hollister of Shipman & Goodwin. Mr. Naples explained the Griffin’s interest and the outstanding approvals that they have on the property. No extensions are requested at the present time but Griffin wanted to be clear about the intentions. Mr. Glidden clarified that this is a courtesy notification that there is a possibility that the renewals may come in if the project does not go forward according to the time frame. Additionally the Board of Selectman is seeking input from the Zoning Commission on this referral.

Chairman Ryan inquired the nature of the approvals. Mr. Glidden explained that a Site Plan was approved by this Commission.

The Commission discussed the pros and cons of the potential open space acquisition.

Motion made by Mr. Gray the Zoning Commission makes a positive referral to the Board of Selectman for the open space acquisition at the Meadowood Site and if the sale is not successful the Commission would be in favor of extending the approval. Motion seconded by Mr. Doyle. Motion failed 3-3-0.

The Commission directed staff to prepare correspondence to indicate that the Motion failed Mr. Elliott encouraged that verbiage be added indicating the Commission would be agreeable to extensions of Griffin’s permits if requested.

Mr. Glidden informed the Commission that FEMA released the new draft flood maps and they will be uploaded to the Town webpage.

Mr. Elliot made a Motion at 8:16pm to adjourn the meeting. Ms. Beinstein seconded. Passed unanimously 6-0-0

Submitted by:

Laura Barkowski
Acting Commission Clerk