11/15/2021 Zoning Commission Minutes

Meeting date: 
Monday, November 15, 2021

Subject to Approval




The public hearing was web-based on Zoom at https://zoom.us/j/2574297243

Meeting ID: 257 429 7243


  1. CALL TO ORDER - Chairman Ryan called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.


  1. Appointment of Alternatives: None


Present: David Ryan, Michael Doyle, Kevin Gray, Diane Madigan, Bruce Elliott, Anne Erickson, Donna Beinstein, Melissa Osborne, Scott Glenney, Catherine Sullivan, Anthony Giorgio, Ken LaForge, Mario Chiappetti, Kevin Kurian, Rick Brush (on behalf of himself and his wife Suzanne Gordon), Akash Kaza, Melissa Nesti Smith, and Michael Glidden


Absent: Austin Charles Serio


  1. Meeting Minutes from October 18, 2021


Mr. Elliott noted his name was misspelled on four separate occasions within the minutes. Mr. Elliott also noted on line 104 special acceptance should be changed to “special exception”. The Commission discussed Ms. Knall as still being listed under the absent list of members for the meeting despite her resignation. Mr. Doyle made a motion to approve the previous meeting minutes with the appropriate corrections. Ms. Erickson seconded.


MOTION: All in favor, no opposed, Ms. Beinstein abstained due to not being present for the previous meeting. (5-0-1)


  1. Applications 


  1. Application# 21-24 - of the Simsbury Zoning Commission, Applicant; Michael Glidden CFM CZEO, Agent; application for a text amendment to the Zoning Regulations to opt out of Public Act 21-29 concerning accessory dwelling units and parking standards in Simsbury for a period of one year effective November 15th, 2021. 


Mr. Gray read the application to the Commission and members of the public. Mr. Glidden provided a summary of, and the differences between, the public act referenced in the application and the current zoning regulations on accessory dwelling units within the Town. Chairman Ryan clarified the effective date if the Town decided to opt in to public act 21-29 would be Jan 1, 2022. Mr. Glidden stated if the Commission opted out of the public act, they would have until Jan 1, 2023 to provide the follow up regulations for accessory dwelling units. The Commission discussed the administrative procedure if an opt-out verdict was given. The floor was opened to the public for input on the Public Act. Mr. Chiappetti of 2 Spruce Lane stated he was in favor of PA 21-29 given the benefits to the Town of more accommodating ADU regulations. Mr. Brush of 4 Elliott Drive spoke in favor of PA 21-29 due to similar benefits provided by Mr. Chiappetti. Chairman Ryan announced Mr. Serio as the next speaker, however Mr. Serio was absent and the Commission moved to Mr. Kaza for input. Mr. Kaza of 2 Nutmeg Court presented his stance in favor of opting in to the Public Act given the housing options it could provide for a variety of age groups. Mr. Kurian of 5 Laurie-Joe Way described the legislative thinking behind PA 21-29 and urged the Commission to oppose opting out of PA 21-29. Ms. Osborne spoke in reference to Sheryl Cook’s letter in stating that by opting out of PA 21-29 the Commission would not be voting against inclusive housing for the Town, but would allow the Town to tailor the regulations exclusively to Simsbury. The Commission discussed keeping the public hearing open for the maximum allowable time to give any and all members of the public a chance to provide comments if they wished to do so. Mr. Doyle made a motion to continue the public hearing at the next regularly scheduled meeting on December 6, 2021. Ms. Beinstein seconded. 


MOTION: All in favor, no opposed, no abstentions. (6-0-0)


  1.   Applications 


  1. Application# 21-23 - of the Iron Horse LLC and Co-Owner of Freedom Property LLC, Applicant; Luke Florian Agent; application for a site plan amendment pursuant to 4.2 of the Simsbury Center Code for the conversion of a motel to an apartment complex located at 969 Hopmeadow Street (Assessor’s Map H08, Block 116 Lot 041).


Mr. Glidden stated the applicant was still in the process of finalizing the discussions with the Town Engineer and proposed that the Commission table application 21-23 until the next regularly scheduled meeting. Mr. Doyle made a motion to table the application until the next regularly scheduled meeting on December 6, 2021. Ms. Erickson seconded. 


MOTION: All in favor, no opposed, no abstentions. (6-0-0)


  1.  Applications


  1. Application# 21-24- of the Simsbury Zoning Commission, Applicant; Michael Glidden CFM CZEO, Agent; application for a text amendment to the Zoning Regulations to opt out of Public Act 21-29 concerning accessory dwelling units and parking standards in Simsbury for a period of one year effective November 15th, 2021. 


Chairman Ryan stated that due to the public hearing for application 21-24 being extended, the Commission should table its discussion until the next regularly scheduled meeting. Mr. Glidden explained that because the public hearing was still open, the Commission would not take action on the application and that it would be listed under “OLD BUSINESS” in the next regularly scheduled meeting agenda.


  1. Application# 21-25- of Catherine Sullivan, Applicant; Scott Glenney, Agent; application for a site plan amendment pursuant to section 3.5 of the Simsbury Zoning Regulations on accessory dwelling units for the purpose of legalizing the use of an existing kitchen of a 364sqft bedroom suite as an accessory dwelling unit pending approval within the property located at 45 Saddle Ridge Drive (Assessor’s Map B07, Block 203 Lot 006A). Zone R-160.


Mr. Glenney presented the application to the Commission on behalf of Ms. Sullivan. Chairman Ryan opened the floor for discussion among the Commission. Chairman Ryan provided Mr. Elliott with clarification on the application. Mr. Gray made a motion to approve application 21-25. Mr. Doyle seconded.


MOTION: All in favor, no opposed, no abstentions. (6-0-0)


  1. Preliminary Discussion


  1. Discussion with Tony Giorgio regarding potential changes to the 2012 Concept Master Plan at Dorset Crossing


Mr. Giorgio and Mr. LaForge presented to the commission on behalf of Dorset Crossing. The Commission members discussed the presentation. Mr. Elliott and Mr. Gray inquired if Mr. Giorgio could provide market research that demonstrated the demand and capacity for new housing developments in Simsbury. Mr. Giorgio described the changing landscape that Simsbury is going to face and how the newly developed area would remedy that problem. Mr. Doyle inquired about the potential impact on Squadron Line School and the other surrounding schools. The impact on the school systems and current Simsbury residents was discussed.


  1. Short Term Rentals

Mr. Glidden expressed to the commission that the Board of Selectmen approved the new short term rental ordinance that would go into effect January 2022. Mr. Glidden stated he would provide a draft of regulations for short term rentals that the Commission could approve after a public hearing is held at the next regularly scheduled meeting.



Mr. Doyle made a motion to adjourn the meeting as it was the last time was his last time serving on the Commission. Ms. Beinstein seconded.


MOTION: All in favor, no opposed, no abstentions. (6-0-0)


The meeting adjourned at 8:28pm.


Respectfully Submitted,


Joseph Hollis

Acting Clerk