Zoning Commission Minutes 02-03-2020

Meeting date: 
Monday, February 3, 2020

REGULAR MEETING MINUTES - Subject to Vote of Approval Monday, February 3, 2020 at 7 P.M.
Simsbury Town Hall - Main Meeting Room 725 Hopmeadow Street, Simsbury, CT

PRESENT: Dave Ryan, Kevin Gray, Donna Beinstein, Diane Madigan, Michael Doyle, Bruce Elliott
ABSENT: Melissa Osborne, Shannon Knall, Anne Erickson

ALSO PRESENT: Michael Glidden, CFM CZEO, Director of Planning and Community Development
Ron Jodice, Economic Development Commission

I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Ryan called the meeting to order at 7:00

1. Appointment of Alternates: Chairman Ryan appointed Ms. Madigan to sit for Ms. Erickson


The January 6, 2020 meeting minutes will be adopted as submitted.

1. Application #20-01 of of Lisa Hamel, Agent; Simsbury Town Shops, LLC., Owner; for a Special Exception pursuant to Article Ten, H-1 of the Simsbury Zoning Regulations to permit the sale of alcoholic beverages on the property located at 926 Hopmeadow Street (Assessor’s Map H09, Block 227, Lot 002). Zone SCZ.

Chairman Ryan opened the public hearing on Application #20-01.
Lisa Hamel, 97 East Weatogue Street, Simsbury, presented Application #20-01. She described the type of shop she is looking to open, described the business she currently owns in Granby, Wine, etc.. Ms. Hamel spoke about the community based business model, explaining that she would like to offer wine tastings, book clubs and the possible collaborations with other local businesses.

Ms. Hamel answered questions about whether she will continue to keep the shop open in Granby, which she is, and she noted that the name will be the same, as they have worked hard to build and brand the business. She answered questions about what type of offerings she will have at the shop. Ms. Hamel spoke about offering cheeses, wines, craft beers and spirits. There are also plans of education of wine and cheese pairings. The commission asked about where the wine and cheese tastings will take place. Ms. Hamel described the area in which this will occur. She answered questions about what the downstairs space will be used for, explaining that it will be used for overstock storage, and that there is a door located downstairs which will be utilized for deliveries of merchandise.

Robert Rosetti, spoke in favor of Application #20-01. He voiced his support of Ms. Hamel, noting that he sold his business in Granby to Ms. Hamel, and that she has been a good tenant of his for years. He feels she is a great business person and feels the business would be very beneficial to the residents of Simsbury and very beneficial for town growth.

At 7:13 P.M., Mr. Gray made a motion to close the public hearing on Application #20-01. Motion was seconded by Mr. Doyle, motion passed unanimously, 6-0.

1. Applications
a. A pplication #19-53 of Tom Tyburski, Agent; Town of Simsbury,
Owner; for a Site Plan Amendment of previously approved plan to install directional signage on the property located at 100 Old Farms Road. Zone R-40.

Tom Tyburski, Simsbury’s Director of Culture, Parks and Recreation, presented Application #19-53. Also present to speak on behalf of Application #19-53 is Diane Ahern, of Adams Ahern Sign Solutions, Inc., West Hartford, CT., and Mark Demming, Friends of Simsbury Farms.
Mr. Tyburski clarified the locations of each of the six proposed signs, explaining why wayfinding signs are necessary on the property.
Mr. Glidden, town staff, advised the Commission of a favorable recommendation sent over from Design Review Board earlier in the evening with the following modifications:
1. Font size for Simsbury Farms on signs 1 and 6 be reduced

2. On sign 6, Exit be placed on top, with Thank You for visiting Simsbury Farms below that with all lettering being the same size font.
3. Sign 1, to pull the text over to be left justified.

Mr. Glidden noted that with the logo (apple) being present on the signs, the Commission should consider whether signs 1 and 6 are freestanding signs or wayfinding signs. He advised the Commission that staff feels the signs are freestanding in nature as the logo is present.
He noted that Design Review Board discussed the regulation
noting that only one freestanding sign is allowed and they focused on the design aspect, asking the applicant to change the font and size to be consistent, focusing on wayfinding.

The Commission asked questions clarifying colors and materials to be used. Ms. Ahern answered the questions, noting that the sign will be aluminum, and the color background would be off white. Ms. Ahern spoke of the importance of people knowing where they are, that they have arrived, and making the signs friendly. The Commission asked about the size of the signs, Ms. Ahern reviewed the dimensions as presented in the renderings.

Discussion also ensued about roads being maintained in the winter, Mr. Tyburski noted that the roads will remain open in the winter. Ms. Ahern noted that if those roads ever needed to be closed in the winter, the signs are placed on posts and they can easily be removed for winter.

Mr. Doyle asked staff if there are any legal definitions of a logo, and sign that could be used to help in aiding the decision process. Mr. Glidden read aloud the definition of a sign.

At 7:50 P.M., Mr. Gray made a motion to approve Applications #19-53 of Tom Tyburski, Agent; Town of Simsbury, Owner; for a Site Plan Amendment of previously approved plan to install directional signage on the property located at 100 Old Farms Road.

The Site Plan Amendment approval is subject to the following conditions:
1. An administrative zoning permit is required for the installation of signs.
2. The apple is considered to be a watermark and not a logo
3. Remove Culture Parks Recreation from signs 1 and 6

4. Incorporate Design Review Board recommendations regarding reduction of font size and spacing design and layout
5. Final signs to be reviewed by staff to approve according to Design Review Board and Zoning Commission’s recommendations
Motion was seconded by Ms. Beinstein, and the motion passed unanimously, 6-0.

1. Applications
a. Application #20-01 of of Lisa Hamel, Agent; Simsbury Town Shops, LLC., Owner; for a Special Exception pursuant to Article Ten, H-1 of the Simsbury Zoning Regulations to permit the sale of alcoholic beverages on the property located at 926 Hopmeadow Street (Assessor’s Map H09, Block 227, Lot 002). Zone SCZ

Mr. Elliott noted that he feels it is a great reuse of available space. The Commission reviewed and discussed the exception requirements.

At 7:55 P.M., Mr. Doyle made a motion to approve Application #20-01 of Lisa Hamel, Agent; Simsbury Town Shops, LLC., Owner; for a Special Exception pursuant to Article Ten, H-1 of the Simsbury Zoning Regulations to permit the sale of alcoholic beverages on the property located at 926 Hopmeadow Street

The approval of the Special Exception is subject to the following conditions of approval:
1. An administrative zoning permit is required for change in uses.
2. Approval is only for use; Applicant is required to secure applicable approvals for the installation of signage for the new business.
Motion was seconded by Mr. Gray, and the motion passed unanimously, 6-0.


Mr. Glidden noted that the regulations have been updated but have not been uploaded to dropbox. Mr. Glidden will print the pages of what has been updated so far.
Mr. Elliott would like to see an indication on what has changed, because he feels that it is difficult to see what has changed in the table of contents.
Ms. Madigan suggested that the updates be highlighted until it is finalized so that changes can be tracked more easily when scanning the document.

Mr. Gray asked what the process is when the new regulations go to public hearing. Mr. Glidden noted that he will have a large file with the updates and the old regulations as well. There will be a powerpoint presentations with changes section by section.
Discussion ensued about the Workforce Housing.
The Commission and staff discussed possible dates for another special meeting for a regulations update workshop. It was decided that the next special meeting would take place on Monday, February 10, 2020 at 7:00 P.M.


Mr. Glidden advised the Commission that there is a new Zoning Enforcement Officer hired. His name is Tom Hazel and he will start on Monday, February 10, 2020. His technical title with the town is Zoning Enforcement Officer. He will need to be appointed.


At 8:10 P.M., Mr. Gray made a motion to adjourn the regular meeting. Motion was seconded by Mr. Doyle and the motion passed unanimously, 6-0.

Submitted by:

Kimberly Rathbun Commission Clerk