Zoning Commission Minutes 06/06/2016

Meeting date: 
Monday, June 6, 2016


JUNE 6, 2016


Commissioner Dave Ryan called the Regular Meeting for the Zoning Commission to order at 7:03 p.m. on Monday, June 6, 2016 in the Main Meeting Room of the Simsbury Town Offices located at 933 Hopmeadow Street, Simsbury, CT. The following members were present: Bruce Elliott, Donna Beinstein, Kevin Gray, Jackie Battos, Gerald Post and Mike Doyle. Others in attendance included Mike Glidden, Assistant Town Planner and other interested parties.


Appointment of Alternates:

Commissioner Ryan appointed Commissioner Elliott for Commissioner Peterson.

III.    APPROVAL OF MINUTES of the May 16, 2016 Regular Meeting

Commissioner Ryan made the following changes:

Page 2, Line 54: The word "build" should read as "built".
Page 2, Line 67: The word "said" is misspelled.
Page 3, Line 101: The word "Deej" should read as "Deeg".

Commissioner Gray moved to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting held May 16, 2016 with changes. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Beinstein and was unanimously approved.


Old Business

Public Hearings:

Application #16-14 of Marc Lubetkin, Red Stone Pub, Agent; George Markatos, Owner; for a Special Exception pursuant to Article Ten, Section H, of the Simsbury Zoning Regulations for a temporary liquor permit for a series of one-day events to be held on the property located at 10 Jim Gallagher Way (Assessor’s Map G10, Block 227, Lot 001A-RR). Zone SC-3. (public hearing opened 05/02/2016 and continued; continued 05/16/2016; public hearing must be closed by 08/10/2016 with extension that was granted).

Applicant requested to extend the public hearing to July.

Commissioner Gray moved to extend the public hearing to July 18, 2016 for Application #16-14 of Marc Lubetkin, Red Stone Pub, Agent; George Markatos, Owner; for a Special Exception pursuant to Article Ten, Section H, of the Simsbury Zoning Regulations for a temporary liquor permit for a series of one-day events to be held on the property located at 10 Jim Gallagher Way (Assessor’s Map G10, Block 227, Lot 001A-RR). Zone SC-3. (public hearing opened 05/02/2016 and continued; continued 05/16/2016; public hearing must be closed by 08/10/2016 with extension that was granted). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Beinstein and was unanimously approved.

Applications (discussion and possible action on):

Application #16-14 of Marc Lubetkin, Red Stone Pub, Agent; George Markatos, Owner; for a Special Exception pursuant to Article Ten, Section H, of the Simsbury Zoning Regulations for a temporary liquor permit for a series of one-day events to be held on the property located at 10 Jim Gallagher Way (Assessor’s Map G10, Block 227, Lot 001A-RR). Zone SC-3. (public hearing opened 05/02/2016 and continued; continued 05/16/2016; public hearing must be closed by 08/10/2016 with extension that was granted).

No discussion at this time until the public hearing closes.

New Business

Receipt of New Applications:

Mr. Chris Davis of ArtFX said that the owner would like to have the hours posted somewhere on the sign so that the public is aware.

The Commission members agreed to keep the hours of operation posted on the sign.

Commissioner Post move to approve Application #16-23 of  Chris Davis, ArtFX, Agent; Steven Antonio, Owner; for a site plan amendment for a sign permit for State Farm on the property located at 1243 Hopmeadow Street (Assessor’s Map I05, Block 403, Lot 019). Zone B2. (to be received 06/06/2016; decision must be rendered by 08/10/2016). The motion includes having the business hours posted on the sign next to the front door. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Elliott and was unanimously approved.

Commissioner Gray moved to approve Application #16-24 of Louis George, Agent; Massaco Properties, LLC, Owner; for a Site Plan Approval for repairs and renovations of the front entrance of the building on the property located at 4 Massaco Street/945 Hopmeadow Street (Assessor’s Map H09, Block 128, Lot 003+4). Zone PO. (to be received 06/06/2016; decision must be rendered by 08/10/2016). The motion includes conditions listed in Attachment A. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Post and was unanimously approved.

Application #16-23 of  Chris Davis, ArtFX, Agent; Steven Antonio, Owner; for a site plan amendment for a sign permit for State Farm on the property located at 1243 Hopmeadow Street (Assessor’s Map I05, Block 403, Lot 019). Zone B2. (to be received 06/06/2016; decision must be rendered by 08/10/2016).

Mr. Mike Glidden said that DRB had one modification to the sign. DRB would like the hours of operation removed and replaced with the year the business was established.

Application #16-24 of Louis George, Agent; Massaco Properties, LLC, Owner; for a Site Plan Approval for repairs and renovations of the front entrance of the building on the property located at 4 Massaco Street/945 Hopmeadow Street (Assessor’s Map H09, Block 128, Lot 003+4). Zone PO. (to be received 06/06/2016; decision must be rendered by 08/10/2016).

Mr. Louis George, owner of Massaco Properties, said that the front entrance is in need of repair. He plans to have the renovation remain as close to the original design as possible. The balcony above the entrance is for decorative purposes and is also in need of repair.

Application #16-25 of T.J. Donohue, Agent; Simsbury Historical Society, Inc., Owner; for a Site Plan Amendment for the Martin Luther King in Connecticut Memorial on the property located at 800 Hopmeadow Street (Assessor’s Map G10, Block 227, Lot 001). Zones SC-1, SC-3, SC-4. (to be received 06/06/2016; decision must be rendered by 08/10/2016).

Commissioner Gray said that the location of the memorial changed from DRB’s and Zoning Commission’s previous approval. The new design shows the memorial placed behind the school house instead of on the corner. This prevents any possibility of damage to the school house during the move. Also, the memorial is a little more secluded since the school house remains in front and blocks the noise of traffic.

Commissioner Gray move to approve Application #16-25 of T.J. Donohue, Agent; Simsbury Historical Society, Inc., Owner; for a Site Plan Amendment for the Martin Luther King in Connecticut Memorial on the property located at 800 Hopmeadow Street (Assessor’s Map G10, Block 227, Lot 001). Zones SC-1, SC-3, SC-4. (to be received 06/06/2016; decision must be rendered by 08/10/2016). The motion includes the following conditions: Minor field adjustment to grading, underground utilities, and landscaping may be made based on field conditions upon written approval from the Director of Planning, who has been given authority on behalf of the Town’s Zoning Commission to act on their behalf. The Director of Planning cannot approve change that jeopardizes the integrity of the original design (approved plans). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Beinstein and was unanimously approved.

Application #16-26 of T.J. Donohue, Agent; Simsbury Land Trust, Owner; for a Special Exception pursuant to Article Ten, Section E, of the Simsbury Zoning Regulations, OFF-STREET PARKING REGULATIONS, for Phase 1 of the parking area on the property located at East Weatogue Street (Assessor’s Map H11, Block 106, Lot 037A). Zones R-40 and R-80. (to be received 06/06/2016; public hearing must be opened by 08/10/2016).

Commissioner Gray moved to set the public hearing to July 18, 2016 for Application #16-26 of T.J. Donohue, Agent; Simsbury Land Trust, Owner; for a Special Exception pursuant to Article Ten, Section E, of the Simsbury Zoning Regulations, OFF-STREET PARKING REGULATIONS, for Phase 1 of the parking area on the property located at East Weatogue Street (Assessor’s Map H11, Block 106, Lot 037A). Zones R-40 and R-80. (to be received 06/06/2016; public hearing must be opened by 08/10/2016). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Battos and was unanimously approved.

Application #16-27 of T. J. Donohue, Agent; Simsbury Land Trust, Owner; for a Site Plan Approval for Phase 1 of the parking area on the property located at East Weatogue Street (Assessor’s Map H11, Block 106, Lot 037A). Zones R-40 and R-80. (to be received 06/06/2016; decision must be rendered by 08/10/2016).

No discussion on Application #16-27 of T.J. Donohue, Agent; Simsbury Land Trust, Owner.

Application #16-28 of Frank J. Lucca, Powdermen Spirits Company, LLC, Agent; 1&3 Mill Pond Partners, LLC, Owner; for a Special Exception pursuant to Article Ten, Section H, of the Simsbury Zoning Regulations for a liquor permit on the property located at 1 Mill Pond Lane (Assessor’s Map F11, Block 103, Lot 005-23). Zone I2. (to be received 06/06/2016; public hearing must be opened by 08/10/2016).

Commissioner Gray moved to set the public hearing to July 18, 2016 for Application #16-28 of Frank J. Lucca, Powdermen Spirits Company, LLC, Agent; 1&3 Mill Pond Partners, LLC, Owner; for a Special Exception pursuant to Article Ten, Section H, of the Simsbury Zoning Regulations for a liquor permit on the property located at 1 Mill Pond Lane (Assessor’s Map F11, Block 103, Lot 005-23). Zone I2. (to be received 06/06/2016; public hearing must be opened by 08/10/2016). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Beinstein and was unanimously approved.


1. Executive Session

a. Pending Litigation

The Commission didn’t go into Executive Session

Discussion of New and Ongoing Projects

Zoning Regulations revisions: General Discussion

Mr. Mike Glidden didn’t have any new or ongoing projects to discuss at this time.


Commissioner Gray made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:21 pm. Commissioner Post seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved.

Respectfully Submitted,


Irene Muench, Commissions Clerk


Attachment “A”

Draft Motion for Approval

Simsbury Zoning Commission

Monday June 6, 2016



Application      16-24


Applicant:        Louis George


Owner:            Massaco Properties LLC


Address:           4 Massaco Street/945 Hopmeadow Street (Assessor’s Map H09, Block 128, Lot 003+4)



Motion to Approve Application 16-24; Application of Louis George, Agent; Massaco Properties, LLC, Owner; for a Site Plan Approval for repairs and renovations of the front entrance of the building on the property located at 4 Massaco Street/945 Hopmeadow Street (Assessor’s Map H09, Block 128, Lot 003+4). Zone PO. (to be received 06/06/2016; decision must be rendered by 08/10/2016)


The site plan amendment approval is subject to the following conditions:


1. The applicant shall schedule a pre-demolition site meeting with the Planning Director prior to issuance of a building permit. Applicant and contractor shall meet with staff to review proposed activities in the field before any work is to commence.

2. Minor field adjustment to grading, underground utilities, and landscaping may be made based on field conditions upon written approval from the Director of Planning, who has been given authority on behalf of the Town’s Zoning Commission to act on their behalf. The Director of Planning cannot approve change that jeopardizes the integrity of the original design (approved plans).